Differents behaviours of my application

Aleix Palet aleix.palet at gmail.com
Wed Nov 19 13:20:53 EST 2008

Ok, now with Gary's code when i do resume i get the desired behaviour in the
__init__ funcion, but i don't get the code of my read_file emthod to be
called. Do I have to do something special?? thanks!
Another thing, how can i put the toolbox in a pygame window?? because i
don't get to see the toolbox whereever i put the initiating code! thanks

2008/11/18 Gary C Martin <gary at garycmartin.com>

> On 18 Nov 2008, at 17:55, Gary C Martin wrote:
>  Hi Aleix,
>> On 18 Nov 2008, at 17:13, Aleix Palet wrote:
>>  To do this, I've reading the wiki (which is a bit confusing) and I
>>> learned that I have to play with the read_file and write_file
>>> options. What I've done is what I write next (with the consequent
>>> problems):
>> Wiki baptism by fire :-) I think the best effort is:
>>        http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Sugar_Almanac
>>  - in the init method of my app, I do the the
>>> acticity.Activity.__init__ and then I create the filechooser, I
>>> choose the file and then load, I guess i shouldn't do it like this,
>>> because when my app is executed through the read_file method, first
>>> this __init__ method is called, showing me the filechooser which I
>>> don't want!
>> OK. I made some slightly naughty timing trick, after hitting the same
>> problem (Moon activity). After asking the list Tomeu suggested the
>> less naught trick is to see if you are offered a Journal object_id.
>> I've been deflected by localisation/Pootle since then (my excuse), so
>> I've not implemented this yet. It should go something like this:
>> from sugar.datastore import datastore
>> ... ...
>> ... ...
>> dataStore = datastore.get(self.handle.object_id)
>> if dataStore == None:
>>        # I'm a journal virgin
>> else:
>>        # resumed
>> --Gary
> OK. Serves me right for copy pasting, I of course actually meant to write
> the much simpler (and working):
> def __init__(self, handle):
>        ....
>        ....
>        if handle.object_id == None:
>                print "I'm a journal virgin"
>        else:
>                print "I was resumed"
>        ....
>        ....
> :-)
> --Gary
>>  - another problem is that the read_file filename parameter, gives me
>>> the path of the journal file copy, which is not a .jclic,zip file,
>>> then is not the file that I want.
>>> So my questions are:
>>> - how to organize my code to get the behabiour that I want?
>>> - how to get the real path?
>>> And finally, I've got another problem which is not as important as
>>> the ones before, but if I get an asnwer I would really grateful.
>>> When I open the filechooser which is made with and wx.app, which it
>>> also has an wx.frame, then I choose the file, but I don't get the
>>> window closed and the execution returned to the main app. The window
>>> stays opened without showing anything (a grey window).
>>> Thank you for everything, maybe the questions are a bit basic, but
>>> as I said, is really hard to find some documentation in the olpc
>>> wiki. Bye!
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