F-10 joyride vs 8.2 - getting fixes upstream.

Daniel Drake dsd at laptop.org
Tue Nov 18 13:39:50 EST 2008

On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 11:58 PM, Peter Robinson <pbrobinson at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've started looking through the various packages that have been
> pulled into joyride as part of the upgrade to Fedora-10 and reviewing
> packages to see what differs from upstream, 8.2 and various other
> olpcX packages. I'm aware of a number of packages that have been
> pulled in due to differences in the packages between the old olpc3
> branch and upstream

So what's your view on how we should handle this?

You already detailed your views on packages where we actually modify
the upstream code, such as totem-pl-parser: we should time (maybe a
lot of it) trying to fix the upstream code so that they accept our
change. I don't know how this will fly for already-overworked OLPC
employees, but for me, I can work with that.

What about when we just change the dependencies? For example,
SDL_mixer. Dennis already forked it, but let's pretend he didn't. What
would be the ideal process for us to go through while working with

By the way, one of the original aims of OLPC was to get the OS down to
100mb (compressed). So this is going to be a painful, ongoing battle.
But thanks a lot for your help :)


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