Sugar architecture diagram (was Re: OLPC France CodeCamp in Paris)

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu at
Sat Nov 15 05:18:09 EST 2008

2008/11/1 LASKE, Lionel (C2S) <LLASKE at>:
> Hi all,
> OLPC France is proud to announce its OLPC CodeCamp in Paris on November
> 15th.
> Five workshops are planned:
> ·         Sugar: development and experimentation on Sugar/python,

Hi, perhaps may help this diagram I quickly sketched (see in a
fixed-width font):

|              |             |                    |                     |
|              | Non-python  |   Sugar shell      |       Python        |
|              |   Sugar     | (Desktop window,   |        Sugar        |
|              | Activities  |      panel,        |      Activities     |
|   Regular    |  (Etoys,    |     journal)       |                     |
|      X       |  Simcity,   |                    |                     |
|     Apps     |    Mono     |------------------------------------------|
|              | activities, |        Sugar toolkit (python-only)       |
|              |    etc.)    |                                          |
|              |--------------------------------------------------------|
|              |        DataStore         |          Presence           |
|              |         service          |          service            |
|                        Matchbox window manager                        |
|   (considering switching to Metacity for improved compatibility)      |
|                                                                       |
|                    GNOME-ish Linux desktop                            |
|    X11, HAL, D-Bus, NetworkManager, GConf, Telepathy, etc             |
|                                                                       |



> ·         School Server: setting up and test of school server on multiple
> platform (standard PC, Booba server, CherryPal, …),
> ·         Mono: development of new activities using Mono,
> ·         Pedagogic usage: Feedbacks from Haïti, Ethiopia and Palestine
> deployment. Brainstorming with French teachers to find usage and class
> activity for the XO.
> ·         French localization: French translators will work all the days to
> translate in French, sugar, activities and FLOSS manual.
> If you're interested to meet the French OLPC community and to have a nice
> trip to Paris: you're welcome !
> More information on:
> Best regards from France.
>             Lionel Laské
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