Some 9.1/XO-camp-ish topics (Re: What's cooking inthe XS pot -- 2008-11-05)

Martin Langhoff martin.langhoff at
Wed Nov 5 12:24:29 EST 2008

In the middle of my XS-focused post, there are a few notes on key
conversations I hope to have this week with XO-focused folks... with
XOcamp, without it, I don't care, seize the day:

 At 1CC there is quite a bit of interest in 9.1 planning. Even with
 xocamp delayed, I do want to get some conversations going. At the top
 of my list are

  - service announcement... plain dns? mdns? carrier pigeons?
 (affecting olpc-update, activity install/update control panel, etc)
  - 'registration' as a repeatable event
  - Browse.xo using our poxy proxy explicitly
  - Browse.xo doing automagic authentication with XS
  - multicast XS-to-XO NAND flashing (but Mitch is not here :-/)


 martin.langhoff at
 martin at -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff  - working code first

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