Keyboard layout issues

Sayamindu Dasgupta sayamindu at
Thu May 15 03:02:49 EDT 2008

On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 2:33 AM, Michael Stone <michael at> wrote:
> Sayamindu,
> Thanks for the awesome writeup. Do you feel comfortable enough with
> Fedora packaging to take responsibility for providing 703-compatible
> packages containing these changes?

Sure. Can do that. However, for the olpc-utils package, before
starting the build in Koji, do you want me to commit to
Git and bump up the version, or do you want me to put the patch in
Koji ? If you want me to commit to d.l.o Git first, I'll need write
access to the olpc-utils repository.

As for the Haitian keyboard patch, I need write access to the
xkeyboard-config module of the Fedora CVS repository.

Dennis, can you grant me the permissions in Koji so that I can modify
and build the following packages ?

* olpc-utils
* xkeyboard-config


Sayamindu Dasgupta

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