Java --> core???

Jameson "Chema" Quinn jquinn at
Fri Mar 7 17:40:26 EST 2008

There is a large amount of educationally-useful java code out there,
including both web applets and entire apps. It is my impression (though I
haven't used it), that IcedTea (open-source-only java hybrid - 96% sun, 4%
gnu) is now a working java implementation. Of course, that leaves the open
question of java's bloat, but there are also ME (mobile/embedded) editions
of java which are truly open source and not even hybrids. So the questions
are, in strict order:

1. Do people think it would be good to have some version of Java on the
2. How much space in the OS would this be worth? (Obviously the answer is
some finite, nonzero number)
3. How much work would it be to have a useful open-source version of java
ready within the limit set in question 2?
4. Is there anyone willing to sign up for this work?

Disclaimer: I am not a java programmer, but as an educational user it would
be good to have applets work. So I'm jumping in and starting the thread, and
then standing back to watch.
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