update1 vs olpc3 disttag differences
Daniel Drake
dsd at laptop.org
Mon Jun 23 14:30:23 EDT 2008
Using the following quick concoption...
listpkgs() {
while read line; do
if [[ ${stream:0:2} == "fc" ]]; then
elif [[ ${stream:0:4} == "olpc" ]]; then
echo ${line%%.*} ${stream}
done < $1
listpkgs u1-708 > pkgs-u1-708
listpkgs olpc3-20 > pkgs-olpc3-20
diff -U 999 pkgs-u1-708 pkgs-olpc3-20
...where u1-708 is http://dev.laptop.org/~bert/update.1/708
and olpc3-20 is http://dev.laptop.org/~bert/olpc3/20
I have created a comparison of disttags for the packages in olpc3 vs
update1 (included below).
This may be useful for catching further bugs where we have inadvertently
dropped OLPC-specific customisations.
For example, in update1 we applied an OLPC-specific patch to
gstreamer-plugins-good to make it work with the camera (creating the
"olpc2" disttag), but in olpc3 we use the standard fc9 build, breaking
the camera. The output shows the change in disttag:
-gstreamer-plugins-good olpc
+gstreamer-plugins-good fc
salut broke for similar reasons.
Any help reviewing the list would be appreciated.
--- pkgs-u1-708
+++ pkgs-olpc3-20
@@ -1,361 +1,437 @@
ConsoleKit fc
ConsoleKit-libs fc
ConsoleKit-x11 fc
-GConf2-dbus olpc
+GConf2 fc
MAKEDEV unknown
NetworkManager olpc
ORBit2 fc
+PersonalCopy-Lite-patches fc
+PolicyKit-gnome fc
+PolicyKit-gnome-libs fc
+PolicyKit fc
SDL fc
SDL_image fc
-SDL_mixer olpc
+SDL_mixer fc
SDL_ttf fc
-abyssinica-fonts olpc
+abyssinica-fonts fc
acl fc
-agg unknown
+agg fc
alsa-lib fc
alsa-utils fc
anacron fc
-aspell-en fc
-aspell fc
atk fc
-atlas unknown
+atlas fc
+audiofile fc
audit-libs fc
-avahi-autoipd olpc
-avahi-dnsconfd olpc
-avahi-glib olpc
-avahi olpc
-avahi-tools olpc
+avahi-autoipd fc
+avahi-dnsconfd fc
+avahi-glib fc
+avahi fc
+avahi-tools fc
basesystem unknown
bash fc
-beecrypt unknown
-binutils unknown
+bluecurve-icon-theme fc
boost fc
bootanim unknown
bootfw unknown
bzip2 fc
bzip2-libs fc
cairo fc
+cdparanoia-libs unknown
chkconfig unknown
compat-libstdc++-33 unknown
+control-center-filesystem fc
coreutils fc
cpio fc
-cpp fc
+cpp unknown
cracklib-dicts unknown
cracklib unknown
+cronie fc
crontabs fc
-cryptsetup-luks unknown
-csound olpc
-csound-python olpc
+cryptsetup-luks fc
+csound fc
+csound-python fc
cups-libs fc
-curl fc
cyrus-sasl-lib fc
db4 fc
-dbench olpc
+dbench fc
dbus-glib fc
-dbus olpc
+dbus fc
+dbus-libs fc
dbus-python fc
-dbus-x11 olpc
-dejavu-lgc-fonts unknown
+dbus-x11 fc
+dejavu-lgc-fonts fc
+desktop-file-utils fc
device-mapper fc
device-mapper-libs fc
dhclient fc
dhcp fc
+diffutils fc
+dirmngr fc
+djvulibre-libs fc
dmidecode fc
dmraid fc
e2fsprogs fc
e2fsprogs-libs fc
-eject unknown
+eject fc
elfutils-libelf fc
enchant fc
+esound-libs fc
espeak fc
ethtool fc
-etoys unknown
+evolution-data-server fc
expat unknown
+fedora-gnome-theme fc
+fedora-icon-theme fc
+fedora-logos fc
fedora-release unknown
fedora-release-notes unknown
file fc
file-libs fc
filesystem fc
-findutils unknown
+findutils fc
flac fc
-fontconfig olpc
+fontconfig fc
fonts-arabic fc
-fonts-thai-ttf unknown
freetype fc
-fribidi fc
+gail fc
gamin fc
gawk fc
gdb fc
gdbm fc
gettext fc
glib2 fc
glibc-common unknown
glibc unknown
-gnash unknown
-gnash-plugin unknown
+gmp fc
+gnash fc
+gnash-plugin fc
+gnome-desktop fc
+gnome-icon-theme fc
+gnome-keyring fc
gnome-mime-data fc
-gnome-python2-gnomevfs olpc
-gnome-python2 olpc
+gnome-mount fc
+gnome-python2-bonobo fc
+gnome-python2-gnomevfs fc
+gnome-python2 fc
gnome-python2-libwnck fc
gnome-python2-rsvg fc
-gnome-vfs2 olpc
+gnome-themes fc
+gnome-vfs2 fc
+gnupg2 fc
gnutls fc
+gpgme fc
grep fc
-gstreamer olpc
-gstreamer-plugins-base olpc
-gstreamer-plugins-good olpc
+gstreamer fc
+gstreamer-plugins-base fc
+gstreamer-plugins-good fc
gstreamer-python fc
-gstreamer-tools olpc
+gstreamer-tools fc
gtk2-engines fc
gtk2 fc
-gtksourceview2 olpc
+gtk-nodoka-engine fc
+gtksourceview2 fc
gzip fc
-hal olpc
+hal fc
hal-info fc
-hal-libs olpc
+hal-libs fc
+hdparm fc
hicolor-icon-theme unknown
-hippo-canvas olpc
-hippo-canvas-python olpc
-hulahop olpc
+hippo-canvas fc
+hippo-canvas-python fc
+hunspell-en fc
+hunspell fc
hwdata fc
info fc
initscripts olpc
iproute fc
iptables fc
iptables-ipv6 fc
iputils fc
ipython fc
iso-codes fc
-kbd olpc
+isomd5sum unknown
+jack-audio-connection-kit unknown
+kacst-fonts fc
+kbd fc
kernel unknown
keyutils-libs fc
kpartx fc
krb5-libs fc
+lcms fc
+lcms-libs fc
less fc
libICE fc
libIDL fc
-libSM unknown
-libX11 olpc
-libXTrap unknown
+libSM fc
+libX11 fc
+libXTrap fc
libXau fc
-libXaw unknown
-libXcomposite unknown
-libXcursor unknown
+libXaw fc
+libXcomposite fc
+libXcursor fc
libXdamage fc
libXdmcp fc
-libXext unknown
-libXfixes unknown
+libXext fc
+libXfixes fc
libXfontcache fc
libXfont fc
libXft fc
-libXi olpc
+libXi fc
libXinerama fc
libXmu fc
-libXpm unknown
+libXpm fc
libXrandr fc
libXrender fc
libXres fc
libXt fc
-libXtst unknown
+libXtst fc
libXv fc
-libXxf86misc unknown
-libXxf86vm unknown
-libabiword unknown
-libabiword-plugins unknown
+libXxf86dga fc
+libXxf86misc fc
+libXxf86vm fc
libacl fc
+libart_lgpl fc
libattr fc
libavc1394 fc
-libcap unknown
+libbonobo fc
+libbonoboui fc
+libcap fc
libcdio fc
-libcroco unknown
+libcroco fc
+libcurl fc
libdaemon fc
libdhcp4client fc
libdhcp6client fc
libdhcp fc
+libdmx fc
+libdrm fc
libdv fc
+libedit fc
libertas-usb8388-firmware fc
libfontenc fc
-libgcc fc
+libfreebob fc
+libgcc unknown
libgcrypt unknown
-libgfortran fc
+libgfortran unknown
libglade2 fc
-libgomp fc
+libgnomecanvas fc
+libgnome fc
+libgnomeui fc
+libgomp unknown
libgpg-error unknown
libgsf fc
libicu fc
libidn unknown
libiec61883 fc
libjpeg fc
+libksba fc
libmatchbox fc
-libnl unknown
+libmikmod fc
+libnl fc
+libnotify fc
libogg fc
liboil fc
libpcap fc
+libpciaccess fc
libpng fc
libraw1394 fc
librsvg2 fc
libselinux fc
libsepol fc
+libsexy fc
libshout fc
-libsmbios-libs fc
+libsmbios unknown
libsndfile fc
-libstdc++ fc
+libsoup fc
+libstdc++ unknown
libsysfs fc
+libtasn1 fc
libthai-devel fc
libthai fc
libtheora fc
libtiff fc
libtool-ltdl fc
libusb fc
libuser unknown
libutempter fc
+libvisual fc
libvolume_id fc
libvorbis fc
libwnck fc
+libxcb fc
libxkbfile fc
libxml2 fc
libxml2-python fc
+libxslt fc
+linux-atm-libs unknown
logrotate fc
-lohit-fonts-hindi olpc
+lohit-fonts-hindi fc
loudmouth fc
-lrzsz unknown
+lrzsz fc
ltrace fc
lvm2 fc
+lzo fc
mailcap fc
-matchbox-window-manager unknown
-mcstrans fc
-mingetty olpc
-mkinitrd unknown
-mktemp fc
+matchbox-window-manager fc
+mdadm fc
+mesa-libGL fc
+metacity fc
+mingetty fc
+mkinitrd fc
module-init-tools fc
+mozilla-filesystem fc
+mpfr fc
mtd-utils fc
nafees-web-naskh-fonts fc
nano fc
-nash unknown
+nash fc
+ncurses-base fc
ncurses fc
+ncurses-libs fc
net-tools fc
+nodoka-metacity-theme fc
+notification-daemon fc
+nspr fc
+nss fc
ntp fc
numpy fc
-ohm fc
+ohm olpc
olpccontents unknown
-olpc-hardware-manager olpc
-olpc-library-common unknown
-olpc-library-core unknown
-olpc-licenses unknown
-olpc-logos olpc
olpcrd unknown
olpcupdate unknown
-olpc-utils olpc
+olpc-utils unknown
openldap fc
openssh-clients fc
openssh fc
openssh-server fc
openssl fc
+paktype-fonts fc
pam fc
pango fc
parted fc
passwd fc
pciutils fc
-pcre unknown
-pixman olpc
+pcre fc
+perl-Config-IniFiles fc
+perl-Module-Pluggable fc
+perl-Pod-Escapes fc
+perl-Pod-Simple fc
+perl fc
+perl-libs fc
+perl-version fc
+pinentry fc
+pixman fc
pkgconfig fc
pm-utils fc
-poppler olpc
popt fc
portaudio fc
procps fc
psmisc fc
-pyabiword unknown
+pth unknown
pycairo fc
pygame fc
pygobject2 fc
+pygpgme fc
pygtk2 fc
pygtk2-libglade fc
pygtksourceview fc
+pyorbit fc
python fc
-python-jinja unknown
+python-iniparse fc
python-json fc
python-libs fc
python-numeric fc
+python-simplejson fc
python-sqlite2 fc
-python-telepathy olpc
+python-telepathy fc
python-urlgrabber fc
radeontool fc
rainbow olpc
+rarian-compat fc
+rarian fc
rdesktop fc
readline fc
+redhat-menus fc
rpm fc
rpm-libs fc
rpm-python fc
rsync fc
+rsyslog fc
sed fc
setup fc
shadow-utils fc
shared-mime-info fc
+smbios-utils unknown
speex unknown
sqlite fc
-squeak-vm unknown
startup-notification fc
strace fc
-sugar-artwork unknown
+sudo fc
+sugar-artwork olpc
sugar-base olpc
sugar-datastore olpc
sugar-evince olpc
sugar-evince-python olpc
sugar olpc
+sugar-journal fc
sugar-presence-service olpc
-sysklogd fc
-sysvinit unknown
+sugar-toolkit olpc
+sysvinit-tools unknown
taglib fc
tar fc
tcpdump fc
tcp_wrappers-libs fc
telepathy-filesystem fc
-telepathy-gabble olpc
-telepathy-glib olpc
-telepathy-salut olpc
-totem unknown
-totem-mozplugin unknown
-totem-plparser unknown
+telepathy-gabble fc
+telepathy-glib fc
+telepathy-salut fc
+totem-gstreamer fc
+totem fc
+totem-mozplugin fc
+totem-pl-parser fc
tree fc
tzdata fc
udev fc
unzip fc
-usermode fc
-util-linux-ng olpc
+upstart unknown
+usermode unknown
+util-linux-ng fc
vbetool fc
vim-minimal fc
-vixie-cron fc
vnc fc
vnc-libs fc
vte fc
+wavpack fc
wget fc
-which unknown
+which fc
wireless-tools fc
wpa_supplicant fc
-wv fc
-xapian-bindings-python unknown
-xapian-core-libs unknown
-xkeyboard-config olpc
+xapian-bindings-python fc
+xapian-core-libs fc
+xkeyboard-config fc
+xml-common fc
xorg-x11-apps fc
-xorg-x11-drv-amd olpc
-xorg-x11-drv-cirrus olpc
-xorg-x11-drv-evdev olpc
-xorg-x11-drv-fbdev olpc
+xorg-x11-drv-cirrus fc
+xorg-x11-drv-evdev fc
+xorg-x11-drv-fbdev fc
+xorg-x11-drv-geode fc
xorg-x11-drv-keyboard fc
xorg-x11-drv-mouse fc
-xorg-x11-drv-void olpc
+xorg-x11-drv-vesa fc
+xorg-x11-drv-vmware fc
+xorg-x11-drv-void fc
xorg-x11-filesystem fc
-xorg-x11-server-Xorg olpc
+xorg-x11-server-Xorg unknown
+xorg-x11-server-common unknown
xorg-x11-server-utils fc
-xorg-x11-twm unknown
-xorg-x11-utils olpc
+xorg-x11-twm fc
+xorg-x11-utils fc
xorg-x11-xauth fc
xorg-x11-xinit fc
xorg-x11-xkb-utils fc
xterm fc
-xulrunner olpc
+xulrunner fc
yum-metadata-parser fc
yum fc
zlib fc
-Journal-86 unknown
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