Recent Updates to Sugar Almanac

Faisal Anwar fanwar at
Fri Jun 13 17:34:43 EDT 2008

Hello All,

As many of you know, I'm writing up a sugar almanac to help new sugar/python
developers get up and running with creating useful activities. I will try to
send frequent updates in terms of what has been added. In addition to using
the documentation, I'd appreciate it if people familiar with the different
modules I am writing can send any better or alternative code examples to the
ones that I have written. Review and feedback is ALWAYS appreciated.

This week, I have updated the section on how to do many of the basic
activity creation tasks (see In addition, I've
provided some basic examples of how to read and write your activity to the
datastore so that it can be resumed later from the journal. Below is a list
of the different how to's contained in this section of the almanac. Hope
some of these ring a bell in terms of what you all are trying to get done!

   - 1 Helper Functions in
      - 1.1 How do I get the file path for my activity
      - 1.2 How do I get the file path where I can write files
      - 1.3 How do I get the name of my
   - 2 Class: Activity<>
      - 2.1 How do I set the canvas (main work area) of my activity to a
      specific UI
      - 2.2 What are activity id's? How do I obtain the activity id for an
      instance of my
      - 2.3 How do I create a new activity that is derived from the base
      Activity class?<>
      - 2.4 How do I implement a write_file method for my activity in order
      to persist my activity in the
      - 2.5 How do I implement a read_file method for my activity so that I
      can resume activities from the sugar
   - 3 Class: ActivityToolbox
      - 3.1 What is the standard toolbox needed in most activities and how
      do I create
      - 3.2 How do I get a handle on the standard activity toolbar given an
   - 4 Class: ActivityToolbar
   - 5 Class: EditToolbar
      - 5.1 How do I add a standard edit toolbar to my
      - 5.2 How do I hide a button in the edit toolbar that is not needed in
      my activity?<>
      - 5.3 How do I disable and enable a button on the edit

You can also find the homepage for the documentation at


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