Need advice to upgrade

NoiseEHC NoiseEHC at
Wed Jun 11 04:09:27 EDT 2008


I have just received my XO via the Developers Program. The machine is 
working nicely, but there is a problem connecting to my wireless router 
(Belkin Pre-N F5D8230-4) which uses WPA-PSK with AES encription. The XO 
just asks for the password over and over again. The strange thing that 
connecting did succeed several days ago so I could request a developer 
key but since then nothing... (Today I have switched to channel 11 from 
channel AUTO but no effect.)

1. So my question is: do I need to upgade to some more recent FW/build? 
Is it a known problem with build 656 (stream ship.2) which I have?

Normally I would not spam the devel list with this support request but I 
have some more questions:

2. I could not find anywhere what the LEDs do on the XO. It can be that 
I am just stupid or blind but there is an option that it was so evident 
for every 1CC employee that the explanation was missed somehow. The only 
thing that I could find is this:
I can deduce all the LEDs' meaning except the leftmost two:
a. The lollipop LED is Wireless acquisition. What exactly does it mean?
b. The tie-fighter LED is Wireless activity. Is it send or receive or 
both? Is it the wireless chip or the TCP/IP stack or what?

3. Some time ago cscott told me how to kill stuff if I want to measure 
telinit 3
ifconfig msh0 down
ifconfig eth0 down
After that the lollipop and tie-figher are both blinking randomly (and I 
got msh0: link becomes ready message to the console). Does it still 
switches off things? If not what should I use?

4. How is the rebasing on FC9 is going?
I am just asking because sooner or later I will finish the Geode docu 
and will start to develop drivers. Since I am not a Linux guru, I could 
not setup my FC7 VirtualPC image to compile the kernel, I was able only 
to write kernel modules with FC8. So if it is possible, I would avoid 
fighting the kernel build process on FC6 or FC7 and so I would like to 
know what to expect?

5. What image should I upgrade to? What is that "faster build"?
I currently only using the text-mode console so it is not a problem for 
me if no activity works or something like that (if the wireless works).

Thank you!

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