Notes from 7/29 Release Meeting(s)

Mikus Grinbergs mikus at
Thu Jul 31 08:40:05 EDT 2008

> 1. We're going to begin nominating this week's 'joyride-weekly' tomorrow at
> 0900 EDT. If you have risky changes you want to contribute, please provide them
> _after_ we deliver our nomination. If you want to help more peoples' changes
> make the deadline, then please help smoke-test joyrides built close to the
> deadline. Please record your results on
> and file bugs liberally. When we deliver the build nomination, we will
> summarize the currently available testing notes in the announcement mail.

This looks to be focussed on the wide testing of proposed changes.

If you also want to "wring out" agreed-upon changes, why not every 
week create a new build version in the '8.2' stream?  Then anyone 
who wants to verify how things behave in the "latest 8.2 candidate" 
can test that version.


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