New joyride build 2232

Morgan Collett morgan.collett at
Thu Jul 31 05:23:43 EDT 2008

On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 11:07, Simon Schampijer <simon at> wrote:
> Morgan Collett wrote:
>> On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 23:44, Build Announcer v2 <reinier at>
>> wrote:
>>> Changes in build 2232 from build: 2230
>>> Size delta: 0.14M
>>> -kernel 2.6.25-20080728.1.olpc.a3851e734bcee1b
>>> +kernel 2.6.25-20080730.1.olpc.85e8ce3752b87a2
>> Seeing as we still don't get changelogs for some packages in these
>> mails, is it possible for those who introduced the change to reply to
>> these mails and let us know a quick summary of what was changed, or
>> fixed?
> Would be good to know why the changelogs of some packages are not picked up.
> For example for hulahop that i just released I wrote the changelog entries
> but they did not show up. Anything special you need to do or is it just the
> script that fails for some reason?

I just remembered Michael's recent call for assistance in this regard,
which I think is worth repeating:

On Wed, Jul 30, 2008 at 02:45, Michael Stone <michael at> wrote:
> 4. In preparation for the full-blown regression tests that we will run in
> coming weeks, it would be very helpful if we received more detailed
> package-level ChangeLog entries and if we did better job of displaying the
> ChangeLog and related-tickets data that we currently have available.
> (In addition, anyone who further improves Reinier's, Bert's, and Marco's
> announcer scripts will earn a drink or treat from me.)


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