[sugar] specifying what services Activities may use

Bastien bastienguerry at googlemail.com
Wed Jul 30 18:40:39 EDT 2008

"Bobby Powers" <bobbypowers at gmail.com> writes:

> recent joyrides include an activity updater which should help with this.
>> And you guys could get rid of the scary red warning on the wiki :)
> on which page?

See the barking here:


  "Activities must be installed separately."

And unless my memory is fooling me, I'm pretty sure the warning was red
at some point on this page:


  "Note that in builds 700 and above, you must install activities

It's not that important anyway.  It just occurred to me that the
dependancies management challenge could be somehow dealt with by
delivering a set of default activities.  I'm not aware of any 
software distribution drawing such a strong line between the 
"core system" and the applications/activities.


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