From way out in right field Re: [sugar] Congratulations! but Sugar sucks

Joel Rees joel_rees at
Thu Jul 24 19:49:28 EDT 2008

On 平成 20/07/25, at 6:53, Benjamin M. Schwartz wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> | Am 24.07.2008 um 14:25 schrieb Benjamin M. Schwartz:
> |
> |> 1. The datastore
> |> 2. OS Updates
> |> 3. File Sharing
> |> 4. Activity Modification
> |> 5. Bitfrost
> |> 6. Power management
> |
> | Note that half of these items have nothing to do with Sugar, oo the
> | subject line is a bit misleading.
> Every one of them requires work on the Linux-based software stack that
> runs on the XO.  The name of that stack is Sugar, as far as I'm aware.
> Perhaps a breakdown would be helpful:
> 1. The datastore:  Glucose
> 2. OS Updates:  Ribose.  (Ribose is all the low-level software that  
> keeps
> Sugar running on the XO)
> 3. File Sharing:  Glucose
> 4. Activity Modification:  Glucose and Fructose.
> 5. Bitfrost:  Glucose and Ribose.
> 6. Power management:  Glucose, Ribose, and EC.
> Version: GnuPG v2.0.9 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> LcEAn2mHnSx0+2uvpEQpkCVOUCii/Zlx
> =rbFq
> _______________________________________________
> Sugar mailing list
> Sugar at

I'm not an active participant anywhere, just someone who wanted to  
but has never had the time. And I hate to be the party pooper. But, ...

The keyword here is bloat. The source of the problem is the Sell. The  
Sell is Bill Gates's patented (with lots of prior art) checkmate move.

When I ran out of time to monitor the list, you guys were still  
warding off the Sell, but somewhere in the last half-year, you  
succumbed. The only defense was to let those people that are deceived  
by Microsoft's sell tactics alone, let them wake up and smell the  
coffee when they do.

That defense was set aside somewhere around the time somebody said,  
give the user su.

Features take storage space, and some features are deceptively simply  
to spec and impossible to implement.

There is no defense now. The only way forward is to go un-sell. Strip  
out the bloat and send someone around to apologize.

Joel Rees

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