For review: NAND out of space patch.

Chris Ball cjb at
Tue Jul 22 11:06:22 EDT 2008


   > Can you walk me through the exact steps that the user would
   > experience if this script was installed?

They wouldn't see anything different, but Journal entries corresponding
to files we chose to delete wouldn't resume properly.
   > In terms of which files, I think the oldest (or maybe LRU as they
   > say in caches) would be better than the largest. Can we do that
   > (e.g. delete oldest then iterate until x MBs is free)?

I disagree; I don't think we're filling up with small Write or Paint
documents, my intuition is that we're filling up with recent large
downloads and movies.  In the case where the problem is a huge download
the user just made, your scheme results in deleting *everything*.

Since we disagree, maybe best to wait until we have some disk-full
images back from the field so that we can see what used up all the
space, before deciding the algorithm.

   > Deleting large rarely used system files will not solve this
   > problem. The space will just get used up again until there are no
   > more large rarely used files left. It can buy us a week or two but
   > wont solve the problem longer term.



- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at>

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