PlayGo Patches/Commit access

Tomeu Vizoso tomeu at
Sun Jul 20 05:28:51 EDT 2008

2008/7/20 Andrés Ambrois <andresambrois at>:
> On Saturday 19 July 2008 21:25:55 Nate Ridderman wrote:
>> Andrés,
>> Go is one of my favorite games, so I'm excited to see that someone has
>> picked up development again! It requires such balance between
>> aggressiveness and defense, as well as local play vs spreading out on the
>> board - I think it's a great game for kids to learn. I look forward to
>> trying out a new version, and I agree that collaboration is an important
>> problem to tackle soon. Adding GnuGo (
>> support would be a great addition too. It would be nice to support GnuGo
>> and collaboration over the same networking framework, but I don't know
>> enough about the
>> collaboration framework and Bitfrost to know if this is a possibility.
>> GnuGo generally runs as it's own process and communicates over GTP (
>> It seems there's a lack of documentation for people like yourself who want
>> to pick up development on an existing activity. Most people who want shell
>> access to also want to host a new activity. I wasn't able to
>> find anything on the wiki about requesting shell access. Maybe putting a
>> blurb on the wiki about who to contact would be helpful.
>> Nate
> Dear Nate,
>  Thanks for your interest! I also like Go a lot, even though I'm very bad at
> it! :P. I also think it's a great game for kids, most strong go players start
> very young, and a lot turn pro before age 15.
>  GnuGo integration is certainly the way to go (no pun intended XD), maybe we
> can use a local gnugo instance speaking GTP with the Activity, for what I
> see, it shouldn't be too hard. The standard API for sharing (Telepathy tubes)
> can be used by the "host" to tell the other player what's going on. I'm just
> thinking out loud here, as I yet have to delve into the sharing API. Maybe
> one of the experts here can give us some pointers :).

Normally I would recommend to move the part of gnugo that can be of
interest to embedders to a shared lib and then do python bindings for
it. But looks like gnugo already has covered the embedding use case
with GTP:

So that should just work.

Good luck,


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