NAND out of space crash (was Display warnings in sugar (Emiliano Pastorino))

Benjamin M. Schwartz bmschwar at
Sat Jul 19 12:58:13 EDT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Erik Garrison wrote:
| On Sat, Jul 19, 2008 at 11:47:21AM -0400, Greg Smith wrote:
|> Hi All,
|> Emiliano has an elegant workaround but crashing the XO on NAND full (to
|> un-recoverable state?) is a heinous bug that affects essentially all users.
|> If someone has the bug ID handy can you send it out and mark it a
|> blocker for 8.2.0 (priority = blocker and keyword includes blocks:8.2.0)?
|> Can I get a design proposal (no re-partitioning please!), scoping and
|> lead engineer on it ASAP?
|> If you have to stop working on something else to do this, let me know
|> what will drop and I'll help weigh the consequences.
| My impression is that the long-term benefits of partitioning mean that
| it's worthwhile to devote effort to it.  Are we not going to work on
| partitioning in the future?

Adding partitioning does not automatically solve the NAND fillup problem.
~ The fundamental issue is that Sugar tries to write files on boot, and
fails to boot if it cannot write those files.

The correct solution is to make sure that Sugar can boot even if it cannot
write files.  This change is needed in order to enable booting on full
NAND, whether or not partitioning is used to separate system and user
files.  In short, these issues, while related, are largely decoupled, and
can be attacked separately.

- --Ben
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