Is Cracklib really required in the OS image?

Gary C Martin gary at
Fri Jul 18 12:25:37 EDT 2008

Out of curiosity I was just doing some visual treemapping of an XO  
build image, and noticed an ~8Mb file containing dictionary crack-able  
passwords. I take it this is for legitimate OS protection to stop  
users choosing weak passwords, but with the goal of not using  
passwords, and the this file is mainly English language, it seems a  
bit of a waste of 9Mb.

Sorry if this has been covered before, probably has some critical  

[olpc at xo-05-24-02 /]$ ls -la /usr/share/cracklib/
total 8787
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root       0 2008-07-17 19:33 .
drwxr-xr-x 91 root root       0 2008-07-17 19:21 ..
-rw-r--r--  4 root root     360 2007-11-02 12:00 cracklib.magic
-rw-r--r--  4 root root    1024 2007-11-02 12:00 cracklib-small.hwm
-rw-r--r--  4 root root  235109 2007-11-02 12:00 cracklib-small.pwd
-rw-r--r--  4 root root   12416 2007-11-02 12:00 cracklib-small.pwi
-rw-r--r--  4 root root    1024 2007-11-02 12:00 pw_dict.hwm
-rw-r--r--  4 root root 8303683 2007-11-02 12:00 pw_dict.pwd
-rw-r--r--  4 root root  442484 2007-11-02 12:00 pw_dict.pwi
[olpc at xo-05-24-02 /]$ du -h /usr/share/cracklib/
8.6M	/usr/share/cracklib/


P.S. Don't know enough about the build process to investigate this  
kind of stuff myself.

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