Uruguay CEIBAL booklet

Martin Langhoff martin.langhoff at gmail.com
Thu Jul 17 22:18:41 EDT 2008

On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 1:50 PM, Brian Jordan <brian at laptop.org> wrote:
> http://www.ceibal.edu.uy/gobiernoelectronico/pdf_libro/Libro_CEIBAL_en_la_sociedad_del_siglo_XXI.pdf
> This is great! More, please!

It is great - the writing is well thought out, though I haven't read
it all in depth, it seems like a very good quality job.

I did a quick translation of the jokes, some are rather good, and they
definitely take on some of the issues head on - make sure you look at
the pic before you read the translation below...

Page 58 - a section about e-govt
Consultant: At least in one sense, governor, the "citizen
consultation" portal is a runaway success. Received 30K messages,
meaning a thousand-fold increase in participation.
Governor: great! so why should we be worried?
Consultant: all of them asking that you resign

Page 36
heh! a blackboard and chalk for every classroom? and notebooks for all
kids? great! What's next, free schooling too?

Page 33 - background sign: teacher training courses
young trainer: don't be scared, teacher. Most of the time, using the
internet is as easy as writing what you are looking for in a box, and
hitting 'search'. What would you like to search for now, for example?
teacher: "BPS" and "initiating retirement paperwork"
(I think BPS is the retirement fund scheme in Uy)

Page 64 - c'mon old man. grab the laptop, it won't bite

Page 76 -
 don't tell me you are tracking the milk yield in a spreasheet to
optimise the production of each cow with a statistical base...?
 no, right now I am playing tetris

page 83
woman: Do something Bernie! Kids have been 3hs stuck to the screen,
and when it's not naked women doing naughty stuff, it's people gored
by bullets or racists jokes!
man: ok! I'll go and turn the computer off, and done!
woman: What computer? The television, Bernie, the TV!

Page 54:
 mom: you told dad that doing the paperwork (tramites is generic for
any govt paperwork) with the laptop he would skip the queues and save
time... but he's been sitting there frozen for the last hour and half!
 kid: he got the paperwork done in 5 minutes... it's the shock that's
lasting more than 1 hr...


 martin.langhoff at gmail.com
 martin at laptop.org -- School Server Architect
 - ask interesting questions
 - don't get distracted with shiny stuff - working code first
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