[sugar] Display warnings in sugar

Gary C Martin gary at garycmartin.com
Thu Jul 17 20:53:43 EDT 2008

On 17 Jul 2008, at 20:39, Michael Stone wrote:

> On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 10:27:21AM -0300, Emiliano Pastorino wrote:
> Emiliano,
> I'm not sure of the right way to help you in the long term, but if you
> want a quick hack, you might try something like:
>   1. Install a cronjob that runs every few minutes.
>   2. When it runs, it should check the available space.
>   3. If it concludes that space is low, pop up a warning.
>      Warnings can be simple X or pygtk programs (see the 'dialog'  
> Linux
>      scripts for ideas). To get this hooked up to the running X  
> display,
>      you'll need to set some environment variables:
>       DISPLAY=:0
>       XAUTHORITY=/home/olpc/.Xauthority
> Ask if you need more help.

Just out of interest, where is the code that raises the AP network  
authentication name/pass request? That feels like a pretty close  
template fit to such a critical warning.

I must just say I'm not 100% convinced about how successful a warning  
will be (but it is better than nothing). I've hit the issue a couple  
of times and it was not some slow incremental case where I could take  
sensible action. Both times, as I recall, I was downloading some  
~large library or binary which maxed out the space in one go before I  
realised the size.


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