Activity Backward Compatibility (was re: Re: joyride 2128 smoketest)

Marco Pesenti Gritti mpgritti at
Mon Jul 14 17:09:22 EDT 2008

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 3:14 PM, Greg Smith <gregsmitholpc at> wrote:
> RE: Marco's comments.
> GS - Thanks! Can you start adding the names of all activities that we
> know should/will work to the Release notes too?

I can add the Fructose ones, where are the release notes? :)

> How does someone know what version they have of an activity in Fructose
> or Glucose?

By looking at the Sucrose release notes. (This is not the case for the
release notes we made so far, because they only include the changed
modules, I'll make sure it's the case for the next release).

> Its helpful to claim "backward compatible" from Update.1. However, I
> believe many people will be upgrading from 656 too. Maybe we have to
> say: "upgrade all your activities" in that case?

Yeah, I don't think there is a way around that.


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