Home View appearance

NoiseEHC NoiseEHC at freemail.hu
Wed Jul 9 10:57:57 EDT 2008

You did not understand correctly.
Neither 708 nor joyride can connect to my router easily.
The difference is that I have made my 708 to connect with some 
mumbo-jumbo and since tested joyrides do not fix this bug, I simply do 
not want to do the same mumbo-jumbo with them (currently I use my XO 
almost always via the console so there is no reason for me to use joyrides).

Now the symptoms if you are interested:
I have created a networks.cfg as a last hope.
It is a Belkin Pre-N F5D8230-4, and no matter what do you think about 
the MIMO chipset or firmware, 3 things are sure:
1. It works without WPA perfectly.
2. When the XO tries to connect with WPA, no matter how many times I 
enter the same pass phrase, it almost never connects (it happened 2-3 
times when it did connect that way but <1%).
3. When the XO gives up connecting automatically and I connect by 
clicking the red dot on the Neighborhood view, it succeeds (I do not 
even have to type a pass phrase since it is networks.cfg).
+4. When I close the lid and open later, the connection has been lost. 
If I click the red dot when the XO does not want to reconnect 
automatically, it succeeds.
+5. When the auto connection happens after boot, the Neighborhood view 
and the Home view normally show different status about the router, 
sometimes the Home view shows that it is connected to channel 6 or 11 
(the router is set to 1), and usually when I click disconnect, it takes 
a long time to finish (and both views show during that time the 
disconnect menu item for the router, but when I click it, nothing seems 
to happen). Rarely, when I click disconnect, the router simply 
disappears for a while.

So I am sure that either the auto connection manager (I am not a Linux 
guru, can it be the Network Manager?) has a big race condition, or the 
wireless scanning logic has some bad heuristic. What is sure is that my 
XO can connect to the MIMO chipset 100% reliably.

Michael Stone wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 09, 2008 at 12:55:25PM +0200, NoiseEHC wrote:
>> I am not sure if this bug is in joyride. Since my XO cannot connect to 
>> my WPA router easily 
> Do I correctly understand that
>   1. You CAN connect to your WPA router easily from 708
>   2. You CANNOT connect to your WPA router easily from joyride?
> Thanks,
> Michael
> P.S. - Do we have good Wiki instructions on how to debug wifi
> connectivity issues?
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