qemu on Kubuntu - error regarding 3dnow support.

Torello Querci torello at torosoft.com
Wed Jul 9 06:09:05 EDT 2008


Alle sabato 28 giugno 2008, Kent Dahl ha scritto:
> Hi.
> I was going through the instruction on the Wiki regarding setup of qemu
> on Linux:
> http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Emulating_the_XO/Quick_Start/Linux
> But once I select a boot entry (such as 'OLPC for qemu target (Full
> size)') it fails to load the kernel with the message:
> 	This kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU:
> 	3dnow
> 	Unable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your CPU.
> Is this a know issue? I noticed a comment about images failing in
> Ubuntu, but it was from January. I was expecting this (3dnow) to be part
> of what qemu emulated, but found no settings related to it. I was
> testing with this image:
> xo-1-olpc-stream-joyride-build-2084-20080627_2253-devel_ext3.img.bz2
> Using qemulator 0.5:
> detected qemu_version: 0.9.1
> qemu 0.9.x detected, using 0.9 command set
> My setup:
> Linux neuromancer 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Wed Jun 18 14:43:41 UTC 2008
> i686 GNU/Linux
> Kubuntu 8.04.1, upgraded from 7.10.
> AMD Athlon 64 CPU (but running in 32-bit mode)
I have the same problem on a Intel CoreDue laptop and joyride 2141 build 
I try to use VMWare 1.4 and VirtualBox also. In both configuration the kernel 
not boot 'cause the is no 3dnow feature on CPU.
I try to use all the preconfigured setting present on grub menu.

Can anyone give me a suggestion other than recompile the kernel from scratch?

Regards, Torello.

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