Project activity (was Security Launching . . .)

Bryan Berry bryan.berry at
Mon Jul 7 20:41:21 EDT 2008

>A prime example would be the Project activity, which
>would allow kids to place references to a bunch of objects into their
>project, and then launch them directly from that activity's GUI. (This
>is similar in many ways to the "lesson plan" idea; I'd like to see
>Projects serve that use case well.)

This is the first I have heard of the Project Activity and I think it is
very much needed. 

At the risk of sounding repetitive, I think HTML should be used for the
layout. Will make it easier or integrate the projects w/ Moodle and
other CMS's

-----Original Message-----
From: Eben Eliason <eben.eliason at>
To: bens at
Cc: devel at, Bryan Berry <bryan.berry at>
Subject: Re: Security for launching from URL
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2008 13:41:20 -0400

A prime example would be the Project activity, which
would allow kids to place references to a bunch of objects into their
project, and then launch them directly from that activity's GUI. (This
is similar in many ways to the "lesson plan" idea; I'd like to see
Projects serve that use case well.)

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