olpc-dm, olpc-utils, olpc-session, rainbow etc

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Tue Jul 1 05:43:44 EDT 2008

Hi Michael,

On Tuesday 24 June 2008 02:17, Michael Stone wrote:
> > Where is olpc-session kept? (Of course I can copy it from my XO, but...
> > :)
> On-XO,
>   rpm -qif `which olpc-session`

thanks for that rpm command! I've added it to my rpm-tips+tricks notes :)

> > Is this the latest olpc-util package:
> > http://people.redhat.com/sundaram/olpc-utils-0.15-1.fc7.src.rpm ?
> Nope. You'd want to run something like:
>   koji latest-pkg dist-olpc2 olpc-utils

Thanks, I now found git.laptop.org/projects (again ;)

> or, on a recent build,
>   rpm -qi olpc-utils
> (Also, if koji isn't available on your OS, then please consider
> packaging it; it's very handy for investigating the Fedora build
> system.)

Hm. koji is not available in Debian. Do you know where the upstream sources 
are kept?

> Let me know if you require any assistance with rainbow or olpc-utils.

olpc-utils is basically ready for upload, the debian package source is 
available at svn://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-olpc/olpc-utils (yeah, svn, 
we'll switch to git soonish..)

rainbow is next on my list, I guess I will ask you then.. :)

I haven't uploaded (and fully polished..) olpc-utils yet, as I'm busy bringing 
other packages in shape for lenny, as I dont see a realistic chance to 
support the XO in lenny with a sugar desktop experience like with fedora. 

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