Announcement: LiveBackup XO-LiveCD (build 689)

WolfgangRohrmoser at WolfgangRohrmoser at
Wed Jan 30 17:10:05 EST 2008

A new release of the Livebackup XO-LiveCD is available at:

and mirrored at

Main features and changes since the initial version:

   * the CD is based on OLPC development build 689
   * during startup you can choose between English, Spanish, French or
     German language/keyboard settings.
   * the Live-CD has an automated installation of additional (beta)
     activities. Depending on available RAM size you will get some or all of:

        BlockParty-7.xo, CartoonBuilder-RC-1.7.xo, FlipSticks-RC-1.4.xo
        Implode-2.xo, JigsawPuzzle-1_20071030.xo, Jump-1.xo,
        Maze-3.xo, Simcity-4.xo, SliderPuzzle-3_20071030.xo, Speak-3.xo
        StopWatchActivity-1.xo, StoryBuilder-11.xo,
        branches-stable-ImageQuiz.activity-ImageQuiz.xo, gcompris.activity.xo

   * the documentation has a new chapter about system installation on
     harddisk and configuration of a multiboot setup.

This Live-CD project targets the main goals:

   * give children, students, teachers and parents
     the opportunity to participate and use the
     educational software on a common PC
   * support demonstration of OLPC software to non-developers
   * for developers the CD provides an easy maintainable Live-System,
     which could be used to develop and test activities on the sugar desktop

Further information is available in the PDF documents:

For discussion we invite you to join the mailing list:


              Wolfgang Rohrmoser, Kurt Gramlich

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