Machines for the tutorial at PyCon

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at
Tue Jan 29 12:35:58 EST 2008

Seems we'll have plenty of machines available for the Sprints after 
PyCon.  That's great.

I'd like to have a number available on the tutorial day as well (the day 
before the conference starts).  I have a B4 and can likely get a B2 back 
from one of my local developers for a few days, but I'd like to have at 
least 5-6 machines so that people can try out the software we'll be 
building as we go.  Any people with laptops willing to loan them for a 
few hours on the day before the conference starts (first thing in the 
morning, March 13, 2008, in Chicago)?  We'll need a reasonably stable 
environment on them (e.g. Update.x) so that tutorial-goers are not 
hitting regressions as they try to work through the tutorials.  
Shouldn't be all that much 'wear and tear' on the machines, mostly 
they're just so that people who learn best by muscle memory of the steps 
can learn how to work on the systems.

Thanks all,

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