non-Sugar but core software?
Bernardo Innocenti
bernie at
Mon Jan 28 19:37:00 EST 2008
Holger Levsen wrote:
> for Debian I've started yesterday,
> to document what is working and whats not and what work needs to be done.
> In general, a document describing how the XO-1-fedora installation differs
> from a plain fedora would be very much appreciated, also by the OpenWRT
> developers.
A quick (although low-level) way to find out, is going through
the Fedora pkgdb to find the complete list of packages we've
forked in the OLPC-2 collection:
For each one of these, you can checkout the cvs source:
cvs -d :pserver:anonymous at co <PACKAGE>
Then you can diff between the version in F-7 and the one in
OLPC-2. Many changes are not OLPC specific and will hopefully
be merged back with our upstreams as soon as the relevant
maintainers find the time to clean them up. I've been doing
some of this work for my packages, but I'm afraid there's a
lot more to be done, especially in Xorg. Feel free to beat me!
This list does not include a small number of packages that need
to be moved to koji and have not made it yet for various
reasons. You can find all these by grepping for "olpc-joyride"
in our build logs:
Finally, while I have no time to do much of this work myself,
I'm glad to help integrate our customizations into Debian,
OpenWRT, or any other distro willing to support the XO.
|___| Bernardo Innocenti -
\___\ One Laptop Per Child -
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