[PATCH v2] RFC: ReadActivity fullscreen, paging changes

david at lang.hm david at lang.hm
Mon Jan 28 02:55:24 EST 2008

On Sun, 27 Jan 2008, Klaus Weidner wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 27, 2008 at 03:08:34AM -0800, david at lang.hm wrote:
>>> The "continuous pages" mode is what had previously been the only mode.
>>> You can see the bottom of one page and the top of the next page on the
>>> screen simultaneously. In "single pages" mode, you never see more than
>>> one page at a time.
>>> This is a matter of taste and the more useful one also depends on the
>>> document, which is why I think it should be switchable.
>> Ok, I can see the desire for this mode, but I'm not sure it's worth the
>> complication (especially given the other simplifications done to sugar)
> I think the addition is not that complicated (could be a single toggle
> button, two-half-pages-with-gap as the icon). The single page mode can
> make reading documents much less confusing, especially in the case of
> multi-column documents where you would otherwise need to be careful when
> moving back to the next column to make sure you're on the right page.
> This way you can clearly see where the page ends, and either move back up
> manually or hit "home" to go back to the top of the page.
> Actually, I think non-continuous mode would even make sense as the
> default since it's simpler and more book-like than the continuous one,
> which acts more like a scroll. And it should use less memory since it
> never needs to render more than a page at a time.

on large PDF's it doesn't render the entire document currently, it tries 
to stay a few pages ahead of you, but if you start at the beginning of a 
long document and page down you will fairly quickly get to a message 
saying that the page isn't ready yet. if you then jump to the bottom of 
the document you will see the same thing, but it will then render the 
pages. if you then jump back to the top of the document you will find that 
it needs to re-render pages that you already viewed.

I've got an electronic subscription to Circuit Cellar and I loaded the 
last 30 or so issues onto my SD card and read the last few on the XO. I've 
also loaded some software manuals (~200 pages each) and tried to read them 
as well (the manuals suffered from fonts being invisable, but this seems 
to be mostly, if not completely fixed in recent builds)

David Lang
-------------- next part --------------
diff --git a/shell/ev-view.c b/shell/ev-view.c
index b464c3f..3bfe7da 100644
--- a/shell/ev-view.c
+++ b/shell/ev-view.c
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ scroll_to_current_page (EvView *view, GtkOrientation orientation)
 						   view_point.y + view->vadjustment->page_size);
 		} else {
 			gtk_adjustment_set_value (view->vadjustment,
-						  CLAMP (view_point.y,
+						  CLAMP (view->vadjustment->value,
 						  view->vadjustment->upper -
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ scroll_to_current_page (EvView *view, GtkOrientation orientation)
 						   view_point.x + view->hadjustment->page_size);
 		} else {
 			gtk_adjustment_set_value (view->hadjustment,
-						  CLAMP (view_point.x,
+						  CLAMP (view->hadjustment->value,
 						  view->hadjustment->upper -
@@ -3996,6 +3996,8 @@ ev_view_class_init (EvViewClass *class)
 	binding_set = gtk_binding_set_by_class (class);
+	add_scroll_binding_keypad (binding_set, GDK_Page_Up,  0, EV_SCROLL_PAGE_BACKWARD, FALSE);
+	add_scroll_binding_keypad (binding_set, GDK_Page_Down, 0, EV_SCROLL_PAGE_FORWARD,  FALSE);
 	add_scroll_binding_keypad (binding_set, GDK_Left,  0, EV_SCROLL_STEP_BACKWARD, TRUE);
 	add_scroll_binding_keypad (binding_set, GDK_Right, 0, EV_SCROLL_STEP_FORWARD,  TRUE);
 	add_scroll_binding_keypad (binding_set, GDK_Left,  GDK_MOD1_MASK, EV_SCROLL_STEP_DOWN, TRUE);
-------------- next part --------------
diff --git a/readactivity.py b/readactivity.py
index 956e3b0..99b9244 100644
--- a/readactivity.py
+++ b/readactivity.py
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ class ReadActivity(activity.Activity):
         toolbox.add_toolbar(_('Read'), self._read_toolbar)
-        self._view_toolbar = ViewToolbar(self._view)
+        self._view_toolbar = ViewToolbar(self._view, self)
         toolbox.add_toolbar(_('View'), self._view_toolbar)
diff --git a/readtoolbar.py b/readtoolbar.py
index 332e4fa..be475b2 100644
--- a/readtoolbar.py
+++ b/readtoolbar.py
@@ -258,9 +258,10 @@ class ViewToolbar(gtk.Toolbar):
-    def __init__(self, evince_view):
+    def __init__(self, evince_view, activity):
+        self._activity = activity
         self._evince_view = evince_view
         self._document = None
@@ -293,6 +294,16 @@ class ViewToolbar(gtk.Toolbar):
+        menu_item = MenuItem(_('Single pages'))
+        menu_item.connect('activate', self._continuous_false_menu_item_activate_cb)
+        palette.menu.append(menu_item)
+        menu_item.show()
+        menu_item = MenuItem(_('Continuous pages'))
+        menu_item.connect('activate', self._continuous_true_menu_item_activate_cb)
+        palette.menu.append(menu_item)
+        menu_item.show()
         tool_item = gtk.ToolItem()
         self.insert(tool_item, -1)
@@ -313,6 +324,14 @@ class ViewToolbar(gtk.Toolbar):
         self.insert(tool_item_zoom_perc_label, -1)
+        self._view_fullscreen = ToolButton('view-fullscreen')
+        self._view_fullscreen.set_tooltip(_('Fullscreen mode'))
+        self._view_fullscreen.connect('clicked', self._view_fullscreen_cb)
+        self.insert(self._view_fullscreen, -1)
+        self._view_fullscreen.show()
+        self._zoom_to_width.show()
         self._view_notify_zoom_handler = self._evince_view.connect(
                 'notify::zoom', self._view_notify_zoom_cb)
@@ -364,3 +383,12 @@ class ViewToolbar(gtk.Toolbar):
         self._evince_view.props.zoom = 1.0
+    def _continuous_false_menu_item_activate_cb(self, menu_item):
+        self._evince_view.set_continuous(False)
+    def _continuous_true_menu_item_activate_cb(self, menu_item):
+        self._evince_view.set_continuous(True)
+    def _view_fullscreen_cb(self, button):
+        self._activity.fullscreen()

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