[PATCH] RFC: ReadActivity fullscreen, paging changes

Klaus Weidner kweidner at pobox.com
Sun Jan 27 18:42:32 EST 2008

On Sun, Jan 27, 2008 at 02:17:04PM -0500, Michael Stone wrote:
> While I can't say how your efforts will wind up being used, I very much
> want to thank you for stepping up to work on these issues and for
> submitting such clear patches.

You're welcome, I'm happy if I can contribute something to such a cool
project :-)

> Keep up the hard work, and let everyone know if you'd like help
> packaging your changes (to ease testing) or in working with the upstream
> maintainers of Read and Evince.

I've bundled up the activity and library and put them on my web server, in
case anyone wants to test them:


The activity is a normal .xo bundle. For the shared library, extract it
from the '/' directory:

	tar xvzf libevince-*.tar.gz

Yes, I'd like help who to contact and how best to submit changes for the
upstream code. 

If I understand it right, the evince library currently used is
temporarily forked, and I'm not sure which parts of it are ready to be
upstreamed. I can separate out the scrolling-backwards-in-noncontinuous-mode
fix which I've reproduced in the desktop evince, so that could be submitted
separately to the original evince project. 


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