Musings on failing to update to joyride, and a few format questions

Seth Woodworth seth at
Fri Jan 25 02:43:54 EST 2008

I meant to say that we should instead name these:

Or for however many significant digits are required.

On Jan 24, 2008 11:42 PM, Seth Woodworth <seth at> wrote:

> As I was watching my new B4 fail to update to the latest JR, I noticed a
> couple issues I'd like to take up.
> One: I noticed a few .wav files somewhere in the Comic builder activity?
> Are we planning on using .wav for anything?  Or should this eventually be
> upgraded.  Who *should* I bother about this?
> Two: there were some images somewhere in */share/activities/wdl/* that
> were named badly.  They lined up like this:
>  10image
>  1image
>  2image
>  ...
> So they don't sort properly.  Can/should we change this, and should this
> rule be in the Sugar programing guidelines?
> Seth Woodworth
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