Project hosting application: HorseGame

Gordon Hopper g.hopper at
Thu Jan 24 23:04:25 EST 2008

1. Project name             : HorseGame
2. Existing website, if any :
3. One-line description     : Feed the horse apples

4. Longer description       : Play with the  horse.  Feed it apples and carrots.
   (it is a very simple game)

5. URLs of similar projects :

6. Committer list
   Please list the maintainer (lead developer) as the first entry. Only list
   developers who need to be given accounts so that they can commit to your
   project's code repository, or push their own. There is no need to list
   non-committer developers.

      Username   Full name             SSH2 key URL                    E-mail
      --------   ---------             ------------                    ------
   #1 ghopper   Gordon Hopper  g.hopper at

7. Preferred development model

   [X] Central tree. Every developer can push his changes directly to the
       project's git tree.

8. Set up a project mailing list:

   [X] No

9. Commit notifications

   [X] No commit notifications, please

10. Shell accounts

   As a general rule, we don't provide shell accounts to developers unless
   there's a demonstrated need. If you have one, please explain here, and
   list the usernames of the committers above needing shell access.

11. Translation
   [X] Set up the Pootle server to allow translation
commits to be made
   [ ] Translation arrangements have already been made at _______________

12. Notes/comments:

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