compiler / glibc optimization

Wade Brainerd wadetb at
Thu Jan 24 22:02:13 EST 2008

Yeah exactly - "yum install gcc" will get you a GCC installation (not sure
exactly which one).

It's best to compile on an emulator or a sugar-jhbuild though for speed, and
then scp over to the real XO to profile.

Using oprofile will give you a good idea of where system-wide performance
issues are.

In my opinion, the single biggest performance issue on XO is Activity
startup time, and from watching my own activities start most of that seems
to be in the journal setup that happens each time, but that's going to be a
mix of Python, DBUS, C++, etc.

On the games / animation side, X and the video driver seem to be the big
culprit, oprofile shows my games as spending >50% outside of my executable
(and that's with my game filling a fullscreen GdkImage each frame and simply
drawing it to the screen).  A lot of that time is spent in something called
"libshadow", which I guess is related to some higher level Gtk window being
double buffered?

Anyway, I would love to see someone publish a secondary compiler package
that was XO optimized to the repository, e.g. "yum install gcc-xo".



2008/1/25 Bennett Todd <bet at>:

> 2008-01-25T01:06:06 Vasilis Liaskovitis:
> > 1) I haven't found a default gcc in my xo system - if there is one,
> > where is it installed ?
> OLPC doesn't ship with one.
> I suspect (though I don't know) "yum install gcc" would be a step in
> the right direction. I think most people doing this sort of dev for
> the XO don't do in on an XO, but on a bigger, faster dev box, either
> using Fedora 7 plus sugar pkgs, or with one of the virtual images to
> download.
> -Bennett
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