New joyride build 1540

Build Announcer v2 reinier at
Thu Jan 17 09:50:16 EST 2008

Changes in build 1540 from build: 1538

Size delta: -7M

-dhclient 12:3.0.5-42.fc7
+dhclient 12:3.0.5-40.fc7
-olpc-library-common 1-16
+olpc-library-common 1-18
-olpc-library-core 1-17
+olpc-library-core 1-19
-sugar 0.75.8-1
+sugar 0.75.8-2.olpc2
-dhcp 12:3.0.5-42.fc7
+dhcp 12:3.0.5-40.fc7
-e2fsprogs 1.40.2-2.fc7
+e2fsprogs 1.40.2-3.fc7
-e2fsprogs-libs 1.40.2-2.fc7
+e2fsprogs-libs 1.40.2-3.fc7
-libdhcp4client 12:3.0.5-42.fc7
+libdhcp4client 12:3.0.5-40.fc7
-Paint 17
+Paint 18
-WikiBrowse 9
+WikiBrowse 10
-make 1:3.81-6.fc7
-openldap-servers 2.3.34-4.fc7
-perl 4:5.8.8-27.fc7
-perl-libs 4:5.8.8-27.fc7

--- Changes for olpc-library-common 1-18 from 1-16 ---
  + selection/index fixes
  + Improved reusability of older bundles, fixed index pages
  + rm xo-guide, fixed es translation

--- Changes for olpc-library-core 1-19 from 1-17 ---
  + selection/index fixes
  + Improved reusability of older bundles, fixed index pages
  + rm xo-guide, fixed es translation

--- Changes for e2fsprogs 1.40.2-3.fc7 from 1.40.2-2.fc7 ---
  + Fix integer overflows (#414571 / CVE-2007-5497)

--- Changes for Paint 18 from 17 ---
  + #5903: Fix the rotate left icon. (erikos)

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