Classroom tools

Jameson "Chema" Quinn jquinn at
Mon Jan 14 16:29:09 EST 2008

Teacher screen grab: that would be good. A view of which people use what
applications is also useful, because it can fit the whole class on screen -
and it's pretty close to what you already get in the friends view. So, is it
possible under Bitfrost for a background activity to grab the screen AND see
the net? I would be surprised and upset if it were, so it probably needs a
special permission - and one that can't be set for an unsigned activity.
(note that this also protects against student hackers who would like to
write a version that always shows the teacher the screen the student

Pop quiz: yes, this could be done as its own activity. The idea is maximum
flexibility - teacher can open or close questions in any order, can 'grade'
in real-time or offline, can reveal grades to students in real time,
offline, or never, has tools for choosing a random student to call on, can
let students see all or some of each others' answers.

It would make sense for these two activities to be rolled into one.
Otherwise you'd have to tell your students 'all right, now log into my
shared Big Brother activity, or else...'. Also it should be integrated with
some kind of gradebook/attendance sheet/etc.
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