Fwd: Dailymotion for XO laptop

Rob Savoye rob at welcomehome.org
Thu Jan 10 00:08:35 EST 2008

Sebastien Adgnot wrote:

> However it seems quite difficult for us to encode our videos in
> Theora+Vorbis right now. I'm gonna talk to different people in the
> company to get their opinion and see what we can do.

   Ffm peg does a fair job at codec conversion. We use our friends at 
Lulu.tv to convert videos to free formats.

> In the meantime, I've heard of the Helix Media Player
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Helix_(project) for the OLPC project? It
> won't be of any help?

   No. It's not really useful, and the streaming codecs are not 
included, you still have to license the codecs anyway. The free version 
of helix is one of those brain damaged things that's purposely limited.

	- rob -

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