mesh portal discovery

Michail Bletsas mbletsas at
Wed Jan 9 15:47:05 EST 2008

> The MPP discovery mechanism originally proposed worked great for getting
> packets out of the mesh through the shortest path.   The problem was 
> that
> outside of running NAT on each MPP, there wasn't a good way to ensure
> that packets sent to that laptop entered the mesh through the same MPP.
The only reason that I can see to use DHCP is if you want to distribute 
routable IPv4 addresses, something that would be glorious if it could 
happen but  which I don't see happening very often.

If you are not running NAT on the MPPs and you have multiple MPPs per mesh 
and the external routing protocol decided that packets should return 
through a different portal, what much do you think you are gaining by 
using the same path inside the mesh (which b.t.w. is different in each 
direction anyway!)?

> We briefly discussed using a different autoIP range, and decided it was
> difficult to implement.
Again fail to see why - it can be non-standard but definitely not 
difficult to implement.


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