Fwd: Dailymotion for XO laptop

Rob Savoye rob at welcomehome.org
Tue Jan 8 22:06:40 EST 2008

Benjamin M. Schwartz wrote:

> There might be some way to embed Theora in Flash in a way that Gnash can play,
> but this will never work in Adobe Flash.  I strongly advise that, for OLPC, you
> avoid Flash altogether.

   Gnash can already handle both Ogg and Theora as external files just 
fine. We're also modifying Ming to be able to generate swf files with 
Ogg and Theora as embedded data. This requires extending the swf spec in 
a way that still says compatible for FLV, ON2, and MP3.

   To go along with this, I've been working on a clone of the Adobe 
Media  Server, so we can steam free codecs. Right now you can only do 
this with icecast, but it doesn't speak the flash protocols, which Gnash 
now supports.

	- rob -

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