GLX available?

NoiseEHC NoiseEHC at
Mon Jan 7 07:50:01 EST 2008

Oh, I did it in May:

Got no response but now I know that only Jordan Crouse is reading this 
list from AMD and he is concerned with the X driver and not the Geode 
core so no luck.
Probably you (the OLPC team) should push AMD to document the 
FPU/3DNow/MMX pipeline since my measurements show that the databook is 
about a hypothetical processor which does not exists in silicon (of 
course I can be wrong). Without this I can guarantee you that no 
optimization effort will succeed. See:

Also it would be nice if they would write something about the L1/L2 
cache and the branch predictor. For example the last thing which I tried 
to measure is the L1 miss -> L2 hit penalty but could not do it. It 
would be much easier if they would document it (write down a number, 
that is it)...

Ivan Krstić wrote:
> On Jan 7, 2008, at 7:11 AM, NoiseEHC wrote:
>> The databook of the LX is so low quality that hand optimization requires
>> testing everything
> Please feel free to ask questions about the Geode on this list where 
> you find the published documentation inadequate. We have some great 
> AMD folks here, with a long history of being helpful and friendly to 
> us above and beyond the call of duty. They will assist you if at all 
> possible.
> -- 
> Ivan Krstić <krstic at> |

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