New joyride build 1514

Dennis Gilmore dennis at
Sun Jan 6 14:16:49 EST 2008

On Sunday 06 January 2008 12:45:58 am Michael Stone wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 06, 2008 at 12:37:33AM -0500, Build Announcer Script wrote:
> >
> >
> > +kernel.i586 0:2.6.22-20071213.7.olpc.807beb7d0b8a49a
> > -kernel.i586 0:2.6.22-20071231.3.olpc.71454c965b73c4e
> Why did the kernel revert?
The  main drive on xs-dev filled up.  my guess is the collection script did 
not exit appropriately  and  cause the build to fail.  in turn using the 
latest available in the tree which was an older kernel. 

So  im going to ask why we are not using nagios or something simmiliar to 
monitor the systems?  Im also going to ask why we have  drives holding 
critical data that are not redundent?  and what backup solutions we have in 
place?  I have offered in the  past to setup nagios and puppet for us  that 
offer still stands.  

I started a irc channel #olpc-admin on freenode if anyone wants to help with 
infrastructure issues feel free to join me there.

Dennis Gilmore

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