A jabber hosting offer...

Dave Belfer-Shevett dbs at stonekeep.com
Sat Jan 5 15:28:28 EST 2008

I've just received my, er,  my son's XO, and he's ecstatic with it, 
enjoying fiddling with Python programs and other tidbits.  I've heard 
that the Jabber 'chat' functions are disabled on the US XO's, mostly 
because the existing jabber hosts can't really take the load of all 
these machines going out.

I have machinery and bandwidth available for setting up a dedicated, 
fairly powerful machine specifically to run Jabber for the OLPC 
community.  I have no problems building, configuring, installing, and 
maintaining the machine in a colo facility in Bedford, MA.  I'll donate 
the hardware and time to make it work, if it'll benefit the project.

I'm looking at a dual-Xeon 2.8 gig Ubuntu Gutsy box (1U) with a pair of 
mirrored drives.  The facility has multiple peered connections (it 
supports a series of VOIP servers), and is well managed.

I have experience running jabber servers, and sysadminning.  Would this 
be of benefit to the community?

Please let me know.  I can be reached on jabber at 
dbs at jabber.stonekeep.com , or email at dbs at stonekeep.com is fine too. 
I'm also (obviously) on the devel list :)

Thanks.  I do want to contribute to the project in any way I can...


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