XO as a scientific platform: wiki page

Marcus Leech mleech at nortel.com
Thu Jan 3 19:43:03 EST 2008

David W Hogg wrote:
> FWIW, I started a wiki page (on my research group wiki) about setting
> up my G1G1 XO for scientific writing on the road (and, eventually,
> research, but right now my job is to write a grant proposal on the XO
> as I travel around this weekend).
> http://howdy.physics.nyu.edu/index.php/Setting_up_an_XO
> Sorry for the spam.  Hogg
That's cool.

I dabble, perhaps more-than-a-little, in radio astronomy, and maintain
the radio-astronomy subtree for Gnu Radio.

The XO isn't quite up to the task of the kind of signal processing I do,
but as a back-end to something like the
  "Itty Bitty Telescope" being promoted by the Society of Amateur Radio
Astronomers, the XO would make
  a dandy little "field data collector".


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