New joyride build 1491

Build Announcer Script bert at
Wed Jan 2 18:15:02 EST 2008

-initscripts.i386 0:8.54.1-13.olpc2
+initscripts.i386 0:8.54.1-15.olpc2
-iputils.i386 0:20070202-3.fc7
-kernel.i586 0:2.6.22-20071224.2.olpc.f85c872b9fb07a4
+kernel.i586 0:2.6.22-20071231.3.olpc.71454c965b73c4e
-libertas-usb8388-firmware.noarch 2:5.110.20.p47-2.fc7
+libertas-usb8388-firmware.noarch 2:5.110.20.p49-1.fc7
-libsysfs.i386 0:2.1.0-1.fc7
-olpccontents.i386 0:1.9-0
+olpccontents.i386 0:2.0-0
-olpcupdate.i386 0:2.0-0
+olpcupdate.i386 0:2.1-0
-olpc-utils.i386 0:0.59-1.olpc2
+olpc-utils.i386 0:0.60-1.olpc2

--- Chat-34 ---
  * Updated translations: ur, bn (pootle)
  * #2351: Fixed scrolling (marco)

--- Measure-15 ---
	* Included translations that had been added via Pootle

--- Read-38 ---
   * Picked up translations

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