Updates API documentation for everything.

Ben Goetter goetter at mazama.net
Tue Jan 1 18:38:00 EST 2008

From: Edward Cherlin <echerlin at gmail.com>
 >And what about Smalltalk/Etoys?

Not sure what level of doc you're seeking.  If I misunderstood you, I 

Smalltalk's libraries are to a certain extent self-documenting in its 
browser, which is good because they vary depending on whatever you've 
synced from the central repositories.  For Squeak overall, we have 
For how-to Etoys (the media/animation layer), I'm pretty impressed so 
far by the series of videos on http://www.waveplace.com/movies/ 
(speaking as somebody who doesn't care for non-written doc as a rule).

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