Google Summer of Code and OLPC

Martin Langhoff martin.langhoff at
Thu Feb 28 20:28:25 EST 2008

Last year OLPC mentored a couple of GSoC projects - as documented at - I think we
could have a lot more projects. This year, GSoC is starting early, so
we should be getting in motion asap.

>From the School Server side of things, there's a lot to do, and many
of those tasks can be broken down in small steps that can be tackled
by a GSoC student. I would like to setup a few tasks there for OLPC,
and I am prepared to mentor a few well-picked students. I have
mentored students for the Moodle project last year, and that had
excellent results.

The moodle team is already on the move preparing things for their GSoC
2008, that's how I caught wind of the early start ;-)



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