A modest proposal.

C. Scott Ananian cscott at laptop.org
Tue Feb 19 19:49:54 EST 2008

On Feb 19, 2008 5:47 PM, Robert McQueen <robert.mcqueen at collabora.co.uk> wrote:
> A similar, but more standards-compliant[1][2] proposal might look more like:
>  xmpp:name.xxx at school.country.xs.laptop.org

The key part of my original proposal is that it also works in the
(possibly temporary) absence of a school school or of network
connectivity to the broader internet.  It can use DNS or mDNS if
available, again without requiring connectivity to the broader
internet or to the original schoolserver.

Michael Stone suggested that the 'clever' part of the proposal, where
the domain name is directly mapped to a link local IPv6 address, could
actually be performed by a local DNS relay server on the XO.  So, an
alternative might be something like:
   xmpp:xmpp at name.xxx.school.country.xs.laptop.org
It shouldn't be necessary to contact a server to collaborate directly
with a peer.

                         ( http://cscott.net/ )

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