default jabber server?

Morgan Collett morgan.collett at
Tue Feb 19 03:00:03 EST 2008

Jani Monoses wrote:
> which server is gabble supposed to connect to? The default, 
> is offline.
> I have packaged and uploaded just enough of sugar to Ubuntu 8.04, so
> that early users can already try it out, but without a server no
> buddies
> are shown.
> This may also lead to a sudden (but not necesarily large) increase in
> users so it could be an issue for an already used server.

There's no good answer to this right now, other than no server. has been the most stable lately, but that's because
it's a development server and doesn't typically have many users. We make
no guarantees about its uptime, and the software on it should be
considered experimental.

There is work in progress on improving the Jabber server reliability,
focusing on (AFAIK), but that's down at the moment as
well. Consider that one experimental at this stage too.

Finally, the one community server that I know of,, is down
due to the maintainer not having time to devote to it - and generally
being overloaded with G1G1ers. I thought several other people were
setting up community servers, but I am not aware of any functioning ones.

We can't handle more than +-100 users on a server right now. Daf is
working on a server side component to replace our shared roster.

The ship.2 builds (G1G1) had a (non-existant) server setting of Update.1 will most likely have a similar set, which we can have pointed at a real
server at such time as we get a scalable solution up. Watch for the final DNS name.

We do need to encourage more community servers, but we cannot set any of
them as default because they would be swamped and cease to work.

My best recommendation is to use whatever DNS name we do use for
Update.1, given that you are packaging more or less the same versions
for hardy.


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