Journal integration for Scratch

Philipp Kocher philipp.kocher at
Thu Dec 18 02:08:57 EST 2008

Hi John

Do you plan a journal integration for scratch?

At the moment it is not possible to delete scratch projects easily (just 
in terminal) and our students have difficulty to understand the file and 
folder structure in the dialog with the very small font.

If you don't want to change the core application, there might be a 

1. create a directory projects/journal
2. if scratch gets opened without a datastore reference, a default 
project (e.g. scratch_project) gets copied to projects/journal and opened.
3. if scratch gets opened with a datastore reference, the files gets 
copied (copy-from-journal) to the projects/journal directory and opened.
4. the name of the default project still has to be changed with save as
5. after quit the files in the directory projects/journal get copied to 
the journal (copy-to-journal) and deleted in projects/journal

The scratch projects could be erased in the journal.
What do you think?

One more thing, the scratch icon is not shown in the journal for files 
with the scratch mimetype. I think the file 
/usr/share/sugar/data/mime.defaults has to be adapted to include the 

Best regards,

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