2588 - Journal unusable

Greg Smith gregsmitholpc at gmail.com
Fri Dec 12 10:29:33 EST 2008

Hi All,

This is a great thread! Very respectful but on point and addressing a 
core concern which needs to become a core competency.

Mikus, James, Gary and the other lead developers who pull down joyride 
regularly are critical to the success of the next release. They proved 
it in the last release.

I agree with James suggestion to get people to test new code in a 
private stream before they put it in joyride. Whether that can be done 
or not, we need to be more clear about when Mikus and the cutting edge 
team should try out the latest version.

There will be bumps along the way, miscommunication, lost time and 
wasted bandwidth. You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.

As long as we continuously improve and we respect each others time and 
input, we'll get there.

This is open source at its best and we have to become great at it for 
the success of the project.

We're off to a good start but we need to see continual improvement on 
communicating status and quality of Joyride from now until release.

85 days until we send XO Software Release 9.1.0 to manufacturing!


Greg S

Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2008 15:27:21 +1100
From: James Cameron <quozl at laptop.org>
Subject: Re: 2588 - Journal unusable
To: Chris Ball <cjb at laptop.org>
Cc: devel at lists.laptop.org
Message-ID: <20081212042721.GG6377 at us.netrek.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

G'day Chris,

I'll give a partial line of reasoning response ... this is not complete,
I'm short of time.

Where I said public, I meant developer builds that can be used by other
developers.  I didn't mean to imply public builds for testing by
non-developers.  I mean the difference between what a developer does and
what a developer releases.  That isn't only OLPC originated code, that's
also the choice of what RPMs to accept from outside.  Accepting lots of
RPMs at once is the same as making lots of code change.

Why don't you have private build streams?  That's what I can do with
debxo, for instance ... build on my desktop, test on an XO, and then
avoid releasing anything to the public until I've verified that what
I've changed actually works.

Why can't the build system be replicated so that each developer can test
their change before releasing it?  What is it about the build system that
prevents it?  I thought the build system was just a set of downloads and
put-it-together processes.

-- James Cameron mailto:quozl at us.netrek.org http://quozl.netrek.org/

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