repos repo

C. Scott Ananian cscott at
Tue Dec 9 17:10:34 EST 2008

On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 5:51 AM, Ties Stuij <cjstuij at> wrote:
> I'm making a local pilgrim and I'd like to have the repo at
>, which contains all rpms for the different xo builds.
> Git doesn't work however because I get out of memory errors, so I want
> to rsync it or find some other way or repository. Is it perhaps
> mirrored on (it's not in the projects listin in any
> case)? Or is there another way of getting to it?

I think upgrading to a newer version of git will solve the memory
errors?  That was something that happened often with debian/stable-era

If you've looked at the pilgrim repo, you'll have noticed that we
export via http (w/ gitweb) as well.  There's a snapshot link at;a=summary
and the individual packages are available via http as well.

                         ( )

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