Way to tell if it is an XO

Chris Ball cjb at laptop.org
Tue Dec 9 16:37:33 EST 2008

Hi Marcel,

   > Hello, I need to know what is a good way to find out if the local
   > machine running a python script is a XO.

One way might be to "cat /ofw/model".  If the file doesn't exist, or
doesn't return a letter and number, you probably aren't running on an

   > The goal is to check it the machine running the program is in fact
   > an XO or some other machine, and to do it in a way that is very
   > hard to fake from some other computer.

I don't think making this hard to fake is possible, because any computer
with root access can reply to your test in whatever way is necessary.
I think you probably shouldn't try to accomplish this, or should try to
use a different method such as a pre-shared credential.

Hope that helps,

- Chris.
Chris Ball   <cjb at laptop.org>

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